Saturday, January 10, 2009

It's Always Sunny...

in Philadelphia.

Television will probably always be a vast wasteland, as it was said to be in 1961. 90% of what is broadcast in America today is filler, set up as a buffer between the amazing peaks of awesomeness that erupt and crush into the sky from time to time. Amazingly, possibly the very best show on television right now, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, managed within its first three episodes, to do what some shows take three seasons to do- if they ever achieve it.

They have made their characters REAL. Well... As real as characters in a TV show can get. Their personalities are dynamic and realistic, to the point that anyone can identify with some of Charlie, some of Dennis, Mac and Sweet Dee. Even the late addition, Frank, in the chubby, diminutive form of Danny DeVito, shows us a little about ourselves.

These characters are the best kind of characters- they are caricatures. They point out our most basic absurdities in a way that only the best comedy can. If you watch any behind-the-scenes footage, you know they're having fun doing it. And above that, as the main actors and producers are the writers, you can tell from the fact that they keep coming back, each time more absurd than the last, they are relishing the fact that American culture, society, bureaucracy and our very unique quirks can be exploited for fun and yes- profit.

Thankfully, as a nation, we will never better ourselves quite enough to force these folks to stop writing and acting our their grand farce.

So carry on, you crazy bastards. For every Dennis that falls, two Charlies will take his place!

wildcard, bitches!

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