1. 1 - case of Hitachino Nest Beer - White. A couple years back a friend recommended Hitachino beer and since then I have been ruined to all other beers. This Japanese import is truly the nectar of the gods. It's a sweet and sour Belgian White beer that is uniquely mouth watering. Most of the local stores stopped carrying it several months back (from a lack of distribution and the worsening economy) therefore, this came only by way of special order. Normally I can't justify paying almost $5 per 12 oz bottle unless it's a rare import at a classy bar, but this is what the refund is for, right? To blow it immediately? Here's to jump-starting the economy.
2. 27 - LPs, 8 - 45s. Before things got too crowded at the DC Record Fair this weekend I was able to snag some really decent funk and soul records. I made the critical mistake of bringing my portable record player in my travel bag, because within ten minutes it just became an obstacle to the swarm of people fighting over crates. So I was not able to preview any of the records, but I am really satisfied with what I blindly purchased (again the burning hole in my pocket from the refund is the only reason I would have opened my wallet before my portable case.)
3. 1 - Office Space Blue Ray Disc. Possibly the best comedy ever made and the movie I have seen more than any other. Not sure that the high resolution is needed or overly noticeable, but I needed a new copy anyways.

4. Renewals (1 year - Virus Protection, Car Inspection. 6 months - Car Insurance.) It is not an accident that all my interval plans expire around the time I get my tax refund. Boo. Not fun.
5. 1 - Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion for PS3. After I finished Fallout 3 (Ed. Note - best game available for PS3) I had a craving for another RPG game and I figured I would just work backwards through the Bethesda catalog. I have never really connected with games involving potions or magic (I am more just a big gun shoot 'em up guy), but this game is so well developed that leveling into full nerd was quite painless. (HP on free time - 50HP.)

1 comment:
DoT to personality for playing Oblivion:
-1 pt/hr while playing
-2 pt/min while discussing
-10pt/sec while discussing in the proximity of a vagina
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